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Very geehrter Mister Facebook,
One Woch ago have i scho probiert to erklär you, daß i find this ziemlich ooreidig, when you ollawei make a umanander wursteling in my Seit'n. I have gmoant, that you host mi net verstanden, because i was writing in boarisch. Drum i will try it heit noamoi in your Sprach! Do your dahaude Sausage-finger out of mei Profilseit'n, because i will become stocknarrisch!!! Every day i find wieder nothing. I hope now, you have des jetzt gfress'n, weil sunst i will hock mi in a Ruaderboot and come to you. Then it could be, that i am so narrisch, that i will give you a dermaßene bavarian Gnackfotz'n,daß you will find youself in da Eck'n wieder!
One Woch ago have i scho probiert to erklär you, daß i find this ziemlich ooreidig, when you ollawei make a umanander wursteling in my Seit'n. I have gmoant, that you host mi net verstanden, because i was writing in boarisch. Drum i will try it heit noamoi in your Sprach! Do your dahaude Sausage-finger out of mei Profilseit'n, because i will become stocknarrisch!!! Every day i find wieder nothing. I hope now, you have des jetzt gfress'n, weil sunst i will hock mi in a Ruaderboot and come to you. Then it could be, that i am so narrisch, that i will give you a dermaßene bavarian Gnackfotz'n,daß you will find youself in da Eck'n wieder!